CREW NETWORK | Advancing the Achievements of Women in Commercial Real Estate
New Member ApplicationRenewing MembersWhy join CREW Idaho
Our members are connected to more than 12,000 commercial real estate professionals globally, representing nearly every discipline within the industry |
Membership Levels & Qualifications$380.00-Full Membership or Associate Membership
$170.00 - Civic or Retired Membership $120.00 - Student Membership $460.00 - Vendor Membership $25 application fee for all applicants Full Membership: Five (5) years of experience in a “qualified field of commercial real estate” and employed full-time in a professional position, the primary responsibilities of which are in a “qualified field of commercial real estate”. Associate: Same qualifications as “Full” member but has less than five (5) years of experience. Vendor: Does not qualify for “Full” member status, but admission furthers the purposes of the chapter and benefits its members. A Vendor member must be employed full-time in a position (number of years of experience is not a factor), the primary professional responsibilities of which relate to, benefit or support commercial real estate and supplies a service or physical product related to commercial real estate. (Ex. Roofing, carpeting, landscaping, painting, office furniture, janitorial services, etc.) Civic: Involved in local or regional government, other public agencies, universities or other educational institutions or not-for-profit organizations, who may or may not meet primary responsibility or experience requirements, but admission furthers the purposes of the chapter and benefits its members. Retired: CREW Network member no longer working full-time, but who wants to remain involved in the chapter and connected to members. Student: Enrolled full-time in an undergraduate college or university program. Pursuing education intended to lead to a career in a commercial real estate field. |
CREW Idaho is grateful for the support we receive from our sponsors.